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 All Saints Catholic Church
Hampstead and Surf City-Topsail, North Carolina

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Indoor Masses at our Hampstead year-round location

Saturdays at 5PM, Sundays at 9AM and 11AM

18737 US Highway 17 N., Hampstead, NC  28443

All Masses have us united under one roof.  At All Saints, the joyful sounds of children at Mass are evidence of a vibrant parish. While we do not have childcare during Mass at this time, we do have several spaces that make it easier to manage little ones. 

The large classroom serves as overflow space for Mass; there are often coloring supplies in a basket up front and children’s books on the library shelves in the hallway. This is a bit more casual of a space and comfortable for anyone concerned about distracting others during Mass. 

Seating in the Narthex is often adjacent to open doors, allowing for getting up and down during Mass.

Our courtyard space is often accompanied by the sounds from Mass.

We hope this is some help to you. Come, bring all your joyful noise!

Our Surf City summer ministry


420 N. Topsail Dr., Surf City, NC 28445

Open-air Masses under our covered pavilion.

(Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend)

All Saints in Surf City is a charming little mission church by the sea. The first Mass was celebrated on August 23, 1953 by Fr. Roland Gross, OFM Conv. The original building was a WWII barracks, now adjacent to the pavilion-style church. All Saints Surf City was formerly called St. Mary Gate of Heaven and has been a “mission church” of St. Joseph in Burgaw, St. Stanislaus in Castle Hayne, and All Saints (formerly St. Jude the Apostle) in Hampstead. It remains an important summer ministry location, where the sacred sound of prayer and music blends with the sound of the ocean just beyond the dunes.

Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. 

Our Vision:

We aspire to be a welcoming community of faith where: Parishioners and newcomers feel enlivened, engaged, and spiritually nourished as we grow as disciples to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. (Ephesians 4:1)

Our Mission:

Together with our Lord Jesus Christ, and in grateful acknowledgement of God's gifts to us, we are committed to love God, to love others, and to make disciples.

Faith. Stewards. Community.

New Facilities Updates

February 2025 New Facilities Update

Watch this video of our new pews being constructed at the manufacturer.

January 2025 New Facilities Update

Hear Dennis Murphy provide a special dedication announcement and what to expect in the next few months with our building project.

December 2024 New Facilities Update

Wondering what is happening in our new church? Hear Tom Lucey provide the latest updates for the construction project as of December 2024.

September 2024 New Facilities Update

Hear all about the latest construction updates of All Saints' new facility from Tom Lucey, Parish Pastoral Council Chair.

Msgr. Joseph provides a sneak peek of the new church furnishings.

Wondering what the altar, pews, statuary, or stained glass will look like?  Join Msgr. Joseph in this video as he describes and shows the choices for inside our new church.

All Saints Aerial Construction Progress Update

All Saints provides an aerial construction progress update of its new facility - the windows are in and brick work is underway.

Exterior is closing in; interior beginning!

See the progress and hear all about it from Tom Lucey, Parish Pastoral Council Chair and New Facilities Ministry Team Member; and David Marlowe, Superintendent, Sanford Contractors

More work was done by Professional Concrete, Inc., S&W Concrete, and YOU -- thanks to your active part in our parish life.

All Saints provides a construction update of its new facility as of July 2024. The exterior of the building is closing in, roof is finishing, walls are framed in, and brick work is starting. The interior work is beginning with visible framing and much more to come.

THANK YOU for bringing us this far --

• New Facilities Ministry Team -- Rick Spillane, Tom Lucey, Dennis Murphy, Jim Morrissey, Joan Green, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Beth Mongeau, Roland Scheiber

• Capital Campaign team, led by Christine Vara, along with Kevin Cavanagh, Julie Cota, Chris Drescher, Joan Green, Tom Haley, Rick Martin, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Rick Spillane, Steve Strnisha

• Diocese of Raleigh

• Sanford Contractors

• WKKW Architect

• Pender County

• NC Department of Transportation

• Hampstead Electrical Contractors, Inc.

• S&W Concrete

• Professional Concrete, Inc.

• J&J EarthWorks

• Intracoastal Land Surveying

Every single one of YOU

Follow the project here and on

Mass Times

Hampstead year-round
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am

​Daily Mass:
Tuesday, Wednesday: 4:00pm
Thursday, Friday: 9:00am
Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm

Eucharist Adoration:
First Fridays of each month following 9AM daily Mass
CLICK HERE to sign up

Surf City: Sundays at 9AM & 11AM from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend and Easter Sunday 9AM & 11AM

Ministry Scheduler


Are you scheduled to serve at Mass? Log in to Ministry Scheduler here using the same user name and password you always have used.


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