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Personal videos of why we serve

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PB&J Club

Make Sandwiches for the Homeless

Occurs monthly in Hampstead, usually on the 2nd Sunday after the 11AM Mass

Stay after church in Hampstead and help make sandwiches for the homeless staying at the Good Shepherd shelter. Bring a loaf of bread or two and either peanut butter or jelly. This is a great outreach opportunity for the whole family to participate together. 

RSVP to Kim

Bring Jesus and Joy to the Homebound

When you bring Holy Communion to those who cannot attend Mass, you are bringing them the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This important ministry to the sick and homebound visits care-facility residents at Woodbury/Stonebridge, Arbor Landing, and Davis/Champions on Sundays and Holy Days. This touching ministry has been led by Linda Choken, who is moving, and there is an opportunity for a new leader to coordinate visits and training. 

Send an email to us if a loved one is moving to a local care facility, if you’d like to be trained for this ministry, and especially if you are interested in finding out more about leading/coleading this sweet ministry team. 

Send an Email to Ministries


Liturgical & Music Ministries

Music, Serving at Mass, Arts & Environment

  • Music, Choir, Bells, Band, Cantors

    A community of believers, friends, and family pray together and share the musical talents that God has given us with our parish. Accompanists, Cantors, Choirs, Youth Band, Handbell Choir. Contact our Director of Music & Liturgy

    Browse the Music Ministry page

  • Serve at Mass

    Altar Servers, Ushers, Greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans, Altar Linen Care.

    Contact of Director of Music & Liturgy

    Browse our Liturgical Ministries page

  • Arts & Environment

    This ministry creates a respectful, inviting devotional and fitting setting in the church.  By engaging all senses of the parishioners, we open our hearts to fully experience and participate in the liturgy of God. Contact our Director of Music and Liturgy for more information

Faith Formation for All Ages

All that we are, and everything we have been blessed with in our lives, is a gift from God. We invite you along with us as we use what we have been given to grow closer to the Lord and to care for others.  

  • Children, Youth & Family Formation

    Opportunities include catechesis, classroom assistant, youth ministry, Vacation Bible School, and baptismal preparation. Contact our Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Formation

  • Adult Formation , Discipleship, and RCIA

    Growing as faithful disciples of Jesus through lifelong faith formation, we invite one another to Bible and book studies, retreats, workshops, and Small Christian Communities. Participation and leadership opportunities abound. Contact our discipleshi department through our Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation

  • Arts & Environment

    This ministry creates a respectful, inviting devotional and fitting setting in the church.  By engaging all senses of the parishioners, we open our hearts to fully experience and participate in the liturgy of God. Contact our Director of Music and Liturgy for more information

Outreach and Social Justice Ministries

Food pantry, emergency assistance, senior outreach, prayer groups, Respect Life, prison ministry. Addressing peace and justice issues in our parish, local community and world, this ministry team focuses on the dignity and protection of human life, the dignity of work and workers’ rights, and the well-being of the community.

Kathy Sabella serves on All Saints' Pastoral Council and on our Social Justice and Outreach ministry team, of which Respect Life is a part.

Kathy goes to the Gospel of Luke and how Jesus demonstrates respect for all life.

Only a few minutes long, Kathy's reflections on the parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus are inspiring and thought-provoking.

All Saints has plenty of ministry opportunities to help you step out of your comfort zone and make a difference for others.

  • Emergency Assistance

    Meeting needs with compassion is what our emergency assistance is about on Wednesdays at 1-3PM in Hampstead. We offer a bag of groceries, assistance with cutoff utility bills, and referrals to resources.

    Our food pantry donations support emergency assistance as well as local food pantries. 

    Assisting our parish and community, we identify unmet needs and promote solutions to meet those needs. 

  • Food Pantry

    Supporting at least four local food pantries,  nearly 100 after-school meal recipients, and emergency assistance, your donations help. Here's a list of suggested items needed by food pantries.

    From St Joseph Food Pantry in Burgaw, here's a touching report from this summer.

  • Respect Life

    All human life, from conception to natural death, is sacred and worthy of respect and protection.  We advocate these beliefs through prayer, outreach, and social functions.

  • Senior Outreach

    Provides information and referral resources for parish seniors and their families.

  • GriefShare

    Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Get support and encouragement for your grief journey. Grief Share: Your Journey from Mourning to Joy runs weekly. The support group combines video seminars with a workbook and discussion. 

Administrative Ministries

Hospitality, Building & Grounds, Welcome, Office, Stewardship, Finance Council, Parish Council

  • Hospitality & Welcome

    Hospitality is more than thoughtfully providing food for funerals, parish events, and fellowship, it's a ministry of “…friendly and generous reception … of guests, visitors, or strangers.” (Oxford Dictionaries).  

    Welcome minstry members are cheerful and helpful, and love to meet and talk to people. They personally call and welcome new and returning parishioners; provide information about parish life, ministries, and organizations; and assist newcomers to find their place in our parish family!

  • Building & Grounds

    Monitors the building-and-grounds needs of the parish, proposes project priorities, and provides volunteer manpower or pastor-approved contractors to address identified needs.

  • Office & Counters Ministries

    Friendly and good with details, this team provides administrative and clerical support to our parish.

    Reception: Greet visitors on phone & at desk.

    Counters:  Teams count and deposit contributions with accuracy and confidentiality. 

    Communications: Social media, photos, press 

    Data Entry requires accuracy & confidentiality


Food pantry, emergency assistance, senior outreach, prayer groups, Respect Life, prison ministry. Addressing peace and justice issues in our parish, local community and world, this ministry team focuses on the dignity and protection of human life, the dignity of work and workers’ rights, and the well-being of the community.

  • Community Holiday Assistance Program

    For struggling familes in Eastern Pender County, local churches and civic organizations join together to provide hope and cheer in the form of holiday food and Christmas gifts for children. To apply, go to school guidance offices, Share the Table, or 4Cs. Send CHAP an email.  

    Donate to CHAP

  • Knights of Columbus Harry "Hap" Hansen Council #12281

    The Knights of Columbus are a fraternal organization dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.  Membership in the Knights is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old.  Knights volunteer their time to serve our parish and community, raising funds to help those in need, and taking part in social events.

  • Catholic Daughters Our Lady of the Sea Court #2519

    Catholic Daughters of the Americas members do charitable and spiritual works as well as fundraising.  Dedicated to their patroness, the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters work under their motto “Unity and Charity.”  Women 18 years of age and older are encouraged to join the organization to share their time, talent and treasure.

  • Worldwide Marriage Encounter

    Learn how to live the beatitudes in your marriage by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend experience.  Info:

Knights of Columbus

COR Men's Discipleship Study

2nd Thursday of each month at 7-8PM

Knights of Columbus COR Initiative monthly meeting 2nd Thursday of each month at 7-8PM, starting October 12 Cor is designed to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.

What is Cor?

Hampstead Knights of Columbus Harry "Hap" Hansen Council #12281

Grand Knight: Mike Maccaluppo

Catholic Daughters Our Lady of the Sea court #2519

Catholic Daughters Our Lady of the Sea Court #2519 invite you to be part of their charitable service group, rooted in fellowship and prayer.

Catholic Daughters Our Lady of the Sea court #2519

Regent: Trish Domagala

Worldwide Marriage Encounter


Could Your Marriage Use a Spark? Worldwide Marriage Encounter can help married couples turn a good marriage into a GREAT marriage!

This is a time for you and your spouse to be alone together, to rediscover each other and together focus on your relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that kind of attention!

Each weekend typically has 15 to 30 couples, led by three team couples and a priest. Weekends take place each year in January, May, and November.

Call Rick and Sue France at 910-270-3878 who have been involved in this ministry for more than 30 years.

Prayer Ministries, see our Prayer page

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