If you volunteer and/or work with children, youth, or elderly, this training is for you. Safe Environment Training is open to the parish and required for any parishioner who works with children or the vulnerable. This includes catechists, Eucharist ministers serving the homebound, and parish employees.
All Saints Catholic Church provides a safe environment for our children and all individuals that we serve that are aging and/or vulnerable.
Those adults who are called to serve children from birth to age 18, as well as adults called to serve aging adults and the vulnerable, such as Eucharistic Ministers to care-facilities and homebound, must complete the Safe Environments Training provided by the Diocese of Raleigh and complete a background check.
Church clergy, staff, and volunteers keep a two-deep supervision approach (2 adults to 1 child, or 2 children to 1 adult) when working with children to ensure the safety of God's children.
The Office of Child & Youth Protection has developed a training session in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees, and those in leadership positions with children and youth. This session is for either initial safe environment training or for those needing the 5-year renewal.
Child and Youth Protection
We must show God's love and mercy while continuing to seek forgiveness for the Church’s failings and healing for those who were hurt by them. We must also continue to make every possible effort to prevent future transgressions.
† Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L., Bishop of Raleigh
In 2002, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met to discuss the clerical child sexual abuse scandal and confront it with a renewed and stronger commitment to upholding the values of the Catholic faith. The bishops agreed to a series of new rules and developed a set of guidelines so each diocese could ensure a safe environment for children and a proper response in the event of an allegation of child abuse by a member of the clergy. The resulting Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (the Charter) calls for parishes to complete an annual report detailing efforts to screen those who work with children and youth and to provide training on how to recognize and report child abuse and neglect.
Guided by the Charter, the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Child and Youth Protection enhanced the child safety guidelines that had been in place in the diocese since 1993:
The Diocese of Raleigh strives to assist those seeking healing from abuse, works to ensure that abuse is reported promptly and educates the community in the hope that abuse will be stopped. We strive to respect life in all situations by fostering the development of each individual, and by creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all who seek an experience of the holy presence of God.
For more information, please also visit the USCCB Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection. This office is tasked with ensuring the implementation of the Charter and with supporting dioceses with their mission to provide a safe environment for children and youth. You may also contact the Diocese of Raleigh Office of Child and Youth Protection at safe@raldioc.org or 1-866-535-7233.
Child and Youth Protection
Director (Child and Youth Protection); Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Compliance (Schools)
John Pendergrass
1-866-535-SAFE (1-866-535-7233)
Safe Environment Coordinator
Deacon Ramon Ferrer