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Living Our Faith, Building to Serve

Check back frequently for updates on the construction of our new church building.

February 2025 New Facilities Update

Watch this video of our new pews being constructed at the manufacturer.

January 2025 New Facilities Update

 Hear Dennis Murphy provide a special dedication announcement and what to expect in the next few months with our building project.

December 2024 New Facilities Update

Wondering what is happening in our new church? Hear Tom Lucey provide the latest updates for the construction project as of December 2024.

Oct 2024: Join us for Two Construction Events

Cross Raising Watch Party, October 17th at 11:30 am: Come watch as the cross that will sit at the top of the exterior of the new church building is revealed. 

"Come Home" Drywall Project, throughout the month of October: Visit the overflow classroom to write the names of friends and family who you hope will one day "come home" to our new church on a piece of the construction drywall. The drywall will then be permanently affixed to the wall behind the sound panels in our new church.

Sept 2024: New Facilities Update

Hear all about the latest construction updates of All Saints' new facility from Tom Lucey, Parish Pastoral Council Chair.

Msgr. Joseph provides a sneak peek of the new church furnishings.

Wondering what the altar, pews, statuary, or stained glass will look like? Join Msgr. Joseph in this video as he describes and shows the choices for inside our new church.

Aerial Construction Progress Update

All Saints provides an aerial construction progress update of its new facility - the windows are in and brick work is underway.

July 2024: New Facilities Update

Exterior is closing in; interior beginning

The exterior of the building is closing in, roof is finishing, walls are framed in, and brick work is starting. The interior work is beginning with visible framing and much more to come.

See the progress and hear all about it from Tom Lucey, Parish Pastoral Council Chair and New Facilities Ministry Team Member; and David Marlowe, Superintendent, Sanford Contractors

April 2024: New Facilities Update

Steel structure is going up

See the progress and hear all about it from Tom Lucey, Parish Pastoral Council Chair and New Facilities Team Member; and David Marlowe, Superintendent, Sanford Contractors

Steel work is by Dun-Ken Metal Building Specialists in Emerald Isle, NC.

New Facilities Foundation is Poured

THANK YOU for bringing us this far --

• New Facilities Ministry Team -- Rick Spillane, Tom Lucey, Dennis Murphy, Jim Morrissey, Joan Green, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Beth Mongeau

• Capital Campaign team, led by Christine Vara, along with Kevin Cavanagh, Julie Cota, Chris Drescher, Joan Green, Tom Haley, Rick Martin, Beth Mongeau, Steve Mongeau, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Rick Spillane, and Steve Strnisha

• Diocese of Raleigh

• Sanford Contractors

• WKKW Architect

• Pender County

• NC Department of Transportation

• Hampstead Electrical Contractors, Inc.

• S&W Concrete

• Professional Concrete, Inc.

• J&J EarthWorks

• Intracoastal Land Surveying

Every single one of YOU

New Facilities Ministry Team -- Rick Spillane, chair; Tom Lucey, Dennis Murphy, Jim Morrissey, Joan Green, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Beth Mongeau

Living Our Faith, Building to Serve Capital Campaign Team -- Christine Vara, chair; along with Kevin Cavanagh, Julie Cota, Chris Drescher, Joan Green, Tom Haley, Rick Martin, Beth Mongeau, Steve Mongeau, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Rick Spillane, Steve Strnisha

Jan 2024: New Facilities Update

THANK YOU all for your active participation in our vibrant and growing parish. 

• Thank you to those of you who have donated or made pledges to our Living Our Faith, Building to Serve capital campaign. 

• You are the reason our project is where it is today and because of your faith and commitment our parish has successfully managed to receive $3.5M in financial pledges from 588 parish families.

• Our campaign’s success is what is helping to fund our goal of constructing a $9.5M new church facility which will also include constructing new administrative space and meeting/classrooms.

A lot of work has been completed so far: 

• Parking lot paved 

• Lighting installed in existing and new parking areas

• Building concrete footings being installed

• Underground piping and electrical work ongoing

We are excited about the progress and timeline moving forward:

• As expected with a construction project of this magnitude, there have also been some unexpected changes to our plan.

• Steel building skeleton is being fabricated with delivery now expected end of March. 

• Building footings, blockwork, and concrete slab and underground electrical and plumbing are scheduled to be complete when the building steel arrives

• Steel will be erected from April thru June.

• Then walls will be framed and insulated and windows installed so that brickwork can be done in the fall

• Mechanical and electrical work will be ongoing in the summer and through the fall

• Interior architectural woodwork, flooring, pew installation, painting will be done in the late fall through winter

• Final inspections and completion is expected in early spring 2025

• As always, this timeline is subject to many things that are out of our control so we will continue to keep you updated (from pulpit, on website, through social media, emails)

What can you do to help?

• Pray for the continued success of our construction and our ongoing capital campaign

• As we begin to get actual expenses and we finalize our needs for furnishings, etc., we are constantly reassessing our budget 

• Prayerfully consider supporting us. That may mean making a pledge to the capital campaign (that could be spread out over multiple years) or extending a pledge you already made another year or two to help us to fully furnish our building from day one.

Nov 2023: New Facilities Update

We’re beginning to see the conclusion of site preparation and the beginning of our next phase, the vertical work that will give us a visible manifestation of the new church. This fall we’ve seen the ground infrastructure work continue with the majority of the new parking lot completed. Expect the concrete footings to be poured prior to Christmas, with the building slab following in January.

The “skeleton” of the church will be structural steel, which has been ordered. Expect to see it begin to go up early next year.

We’re thinking ahead to the future:

  • Our brick has been ordered and will be produced in December. The church exterior brick will be a darker color than the current building and will include trim brick that matches our current building.
  • We’ve recently signed a contract for the pews, in order to lock in the price of manufacturing and installation.
  • We’re working with vendors on other interior liturgical requirements (e.g. baptismal font, statuary, etc.). This will be done with an eye on ensuring a seamless, reverent, and beautiful setting worthy of the Eucharist.

Sept 2023: Status Update

Watch his update on the status of construction of All Saints' new church and 80-foot wing of classrooms/meeting spaces. Tom is chair of All Saints Pastoral Council and a member of our New Facilities Ministry Team. 


• Permits finalized 

• Site clearing done 

• Gravel parking area available 

• Sidewalk dug up and replaced 

• Water line and fire hydrants installed 


• Asphalt surfacing and paint striping for parking area 

• Handicapped parking spaces 

• Structural steel going up this winter 

• Brick work in the spring 


July 2023: NC Catholics Now Report

Join NCCN in Hampstead, North Carolina, where All Saints Parish held a groundbreaking June 30 for its new church building and expansion project.
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Aug.28-Sept.1 : Front Entrance Blocked

Did you see the spray paint on the front sidewalks?

Those infrastructure-related markings are in preparation for the trench-digging that will take place on Monday, August 28 through Friday, September 1.  During that week, 8/28-9/1, please use the back door to enter.  

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this temporary and necessary inconvenience.

All Saints is making the news

June 30, 2023: Groundbreaking Ceremony

All Saints Groundbreaking Ceremony took place on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 1PM. The reverent liturgy for this momentous occasion included uplifting music and remarks, which were followed by fellowship and refreshments. 

Principal Celebrant: Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama

Celebrants in video are, left to right: 

Rev. Roger Malonda Nyimi, Parochial Administrator, St. Joseph the Worker and St. Stanislaus Catholic Churches;

Fr. Jim Sabak, OFM, Director of Divine Worship, Diocese of Raleigh; The Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh; Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Pastor, All Saints Catholic Church; The Very Reverend John E. McGee, OSFS, VF, Dean of the Cape Fear Deanery 

Opening remarks: Rick Spillane, New Facilities Committee Chair

Groundbreakers are, left to right: 

Mike Berry, WKWW Architects; 

Dennis Murphy, Chair of All Saints Parish Pastoral Council; 

Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa, Pastor of All Saints Catholic Parish; 

The Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh; 

Ryan Hampson (on behalf of our youth and future); 

Mildred Pascucci (on behalf of our foundational members); 

Kurt Roof, Sanford Contractors

Scripture readings included Ephesians 2:19-22, Psalm 118, and Matthew 16:13-18. 

Hymns included Unless the Lord (Psalm 127) and Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation; permission by #A-723095

About 215 were in attendance.

New Facilities Committee Members: Rick Spillane, Chair; Dennis Murphy, Tom Lucey, Jim Morrissey, Beth Mongeau, Roland Scheiber, Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa

The Living Our Faith, Building to Serve Capital Campaign was led by Christine Vara with the guidance of Greg Leitner of Greater Mission, along with Kevin Cavanagh, Julie Cota, Tom Haley, Rick Martin, Beth Mongeau, Steve Strnisha and our Finance Council. At the groundbreaking, it was announced that our initial capital campaign goal for pledges was reached!

May 2023: New Facilities Update

Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa introduces Tom Lucey, who presents the latest information about our new church construction project.

Tom Lucey is on our New Facilities Ministry Team and is the project leader on our new construction project. He has been a civil engineer for 46 years and has helped several parishes through building projects. He is also on our Pastoral Council and a cantor.

Construction has begun and it is important to be safe and stay far away from the work site and equipment, vehicles, and workers. 

Progress on the Construction will include:

  • site clearing -- started May 15, 2023
  • ditches and underground work
  • foundation pouring
  • material deliveries
  • metal framework

Msgr. Joseph notes that the new church will have:

  • pews with kneelers
  • reconciliation room
  • larger sacristy
  • adoration chapel
  • more room for discipleship programs

May 15, 2023: Site Clearing Begins

J&J EarthWorks is clearing debris with large equipment, and there will be burning as well. For the safety of everyone, we ask that you stay away from clearing area, equipment, and crew in bright safety vests.

May 9, 2023: Surveying Begins

Preparations are underway for our June 30, 2023 groundbreaking!

Intracoastal Land Surveying crew are on-location this week in Hampstead to set the site boundaries and control points.

J&J EarthWorks will begin site clearing on May 15! Jason Truesdale, an employee, is the son of parishioners Jerry & Sue Truesdale.

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This is our moment! This is our time! 


Friday, June 30, 2023 at 1PM

Be Part of Our Historic Groundbreaking and help prepare for this once-in-a-lifetime landmark event with Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama and Msgr. Joseph K. Ntuwa.. Come get an overview of what we're planning for this public milestone and find out how you can make this historic moment an unforgettable landmark event!

Feb 2023: Update on Building Project

Rick Spillane, chair of our New Facilities Committee, shares the latest news about where we are with all our work toward building a new church... AND connecting wings.

Originally presented after Saturday evening Mass on February 11, 2023.

Jan 2023: Growth Plan Update

Dennis Murphy of our New Facilities Ministry Team provides a video update on where we are with our work toward building a new church. The following message from Msgr. Joseph summarizes Dennis' comments:

My dear friends,

I want to provide you an update to our “Living our Faith, Building to Serve” efforts.

We received the cost proposal from the builder for our new church and connecting wing project on January 11th, 2023. Based on current economic conditions, the costs went up from the original quote in March 2022. This was not unexpected. We are currently negotiating with the builder on options for potential cost savings. 

With that said, we will most likely need to ask the Diocese of Raleigh for an increase in the size of our loan. The good news is that we feel our current level of offertory giving is robust enough to support approval of this request.

Our capital campaign is ongoing, with a goal of raising $3.5 million dollars. Meeting our goal will go a long way in closing the cost gap.

It’s important to note that despite these challenges we remain optimistic that we can break ground in the spring of 2023.

Your giving of time, talent, and treasure is extraordinary and reflective of the growing discipleship of the parish.

Finally, please continue to pray for the success of our effort to build a church worthy of the Eucharist.

Monsignor Joseph

Hear Why Joe and Colby Roberts Have Made a Sacrificial Gift

After King David had taken up residence in his house, and the Lord had given him rest from his enemies on every side, the king said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am living in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent!” -- 2 Samuel 7:1-2

Joe and Colby Roberts have been members of All Saints for several years. In that time, the parish has been their spiritual family, journeying alongside them through tragic loss and through joyful births and baptisms.

While our current building has served the community admirably for years, we now have the opportunity to build and invest in a spiritual home for now and the future.

Thank you, Roberts family, for your sacrificial giving to build a worship space worthy of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Join Us in Prayer for our Growth Plan

Play video and the words appear on-screen to pray along with us.

Lord, as we seek to grow your kingdom here on earth, guide us to build a church in accord with your will.

My Dear Friends,

Where there is no vision the people perish, the Book of Proverbs tells us. (Proverbs 29:18a)

All Saints’ vision is to be a welcoming community of faith where parishioners, newcomers, and visitors are spiritually enlivened, engaged, and nourished as we grow as disciples to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. In order for us to more effectively fulfill our mission to love God, to love others, and to make disciples, we have set out to expand our facilities with a new church building and meeting spaces. 

We have the vision, and this is our time!

Since launching our Living Our Faith, Building to Serve capital campaign last July, we’ve had more than 519 families who have pledged to donate, with the numbers building daily.

We are now just short of our $3.5 million goal

With rising costs and inflation, we want to be in the best financial situation possible before starting construction in Spring of 2023. Since time is of the essence, we are asking every household to prayerfully consider a contribution to help us reach our goal before the construction plans are finalized.

Every contribution helps, no matter the size. We just want to invite everyone to be a part of this historic plan

Let us remember that the ‘Source and Summit’ of our faith is the Eucharist, communing together as One Body of believers in the Real Presence of our Lord. This is the mystery of our faith. Now, we are called to build a reverent worship space that reflects the importance of God in our midst. With a larger facility and additional meeting spaces, we will be better able to serve as disciples in our community and give back to the Lord for all he has done for us. 

We have been and will continue praying together in order to fulfill this important mission.

We thank you for investing in a spiritual home worthy of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. 

Peace and joy,

Monsignor Joseph

May 2022: Blessing of the Grounds

All Saints is making the news -- and you can be part of this momentous day.

Read article from WWAY:

Local church community raises $3.1 million to build new church in Hampstead - NewsBreak

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