Altar Servers • Readers • Greeters • Ushers • Sacristans • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Meaningful and revealing presentations by Deacon Rich Mickle and Msgr. Joseph Ntuwa are followed by break-out sessions to learn specific ministry roles. Send questions to our Director of Liturgy.
Interested in serving at Mass?
Be a part of one of our liturgical ministries!
Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass, helping prepare the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Ministry lead: Gary Rourke
Readers proclaim the Scripture readings from the Old and New Testaments during Mass. They also present the prayers of the faithful.
Ministry Lead: Ryan Mulder
Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned to assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion.
Ministry Lead: Mary Ann Cavanagh
These are Extraordinary Minsters who bring holy Communion to those individuals who cannot attend Mass, such as those who ares sick, homebound, or reside in a nursing home.
Ministry lead: Perhaps YOU?
Ushers and Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors to the church, helping them find their seats and prepare for Mass.
Ministry Lead: Steve Mongeau
Sacristans help before Mass by preparing the gifts (bread and wine to be consecrated), altar linens, and other items the priest will need during Mass.
Ministry Lead: Ryan Mulder
Cantors lead the congregation in singing. Here at All Saints, they also proclaim the Responsorial Psalm during the Liturgy of the Word.
Ministry lead: Ryan Mulder
The Altar Linens Ministry collects, washes, and folds the various liturgical linens, essential for the proper celebration of Mass. These include the purificator, corporal, and lavabo towel.
Ministry lead: Virginia Cokor
The Arts and Environment Ministry decorates the sanctuary, church, narthex, and exterior of the building in various ways depending on the liturgical season (Advent, Christmas, Easter, Ordinary Time).
Ministry lead: Susan Cunningham
When you bring Holy Communion to those who cannot attend Mass, you are bringing them the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This important ministry to the sick and homebound visits care-facility residents at Woodbury/Stonebridge, Arbor Landing, and Davis/Champions on Sundays and Holy Days. This touching ministry has been led by Linda Choken, who is moving, and there is an opportunity for a new leader to coordinate visits and training.
Send an email to us if you are sick and need communion brought to you, if a loved one is moving to a local care facility, if you’d like to be trained for this ministry, and especially if you are interested in finding out more about leading/coleading this sweet ministry team.
(click for PDFs)
Liturgical Ministries Video Series