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Bible and Faith Studies

Want to understand the Sunday readings and homily better? Want to grow in relationship to Christ? We invite you to join us in study at various times throughout the year.

Wednesdays in the Word

Latte and Liturgy

BYO and the Bible

Join us for a time to break open the Word and discuss upcoming Sunday scripture. Hope to see you there!

Beginning again in September. Drop in any Wednesday at 10:00AM.

Click "Request Study Information" button to contact Jackie Rourke for more details.

Grief Share support group in Hampstead NC

GriefShare support group

Begins August 27th

Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Get support and encouragement for your grief journey. Grief Share: Your Journey from Mourning to Joy runs on Tuesdays at 9:30AM and Thursdays at 6PM. The support group combines video seminars with a workbook and discussion.

Email Eileen about GriefShare
Grief Share support group in Hampstead NC

COR Men's Discipleship Study

2nd Thursdays at 7-8PM,

COR is designed to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity. Led by Knights, open to all men on 2nd Thursdays of each month. Info: Dennis Dienno (512) 608-1515 

Email Dennis about COR

Previous Studies:

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Spiritual Gifts Study

Fridays at 10AM in May 

Led by Stewardship Ministry. 4-week study to discover and explore the spiritual gifts with which God has blessed each one of us.

Email Stewardship Ministry Team

New Year, New Lens on Our Catholic Faith

The Catechism in a Year podcast & group

Fr. Mike Schmitz brings the Catechism to life, with context and application to deepen your relationship with Christ and your understanding of the faith. Fr. Mike Schmitz brings you an all-new podcast with the New Year! Journey along together as a parish community with the Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Join our Facebook group, ASCCNC - Catechism in a Year, as we journey together on new paths of spiritual discovery.

Published by Ascension Press.

Information: Jackie Rourke

Moms Group Book Study

Fridays at 9:30AM,  after weekday Mass

Current study, Reveal the Gift: Living the Feminine Genius.

Meeting in trailer 2. Books will be available. No homework. Come as you can.

email Moms Group

Walking with Mary

A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross

Fall Book Study: Thursdays at 10-11:30AM
Four weeks: October 19, 2023 - November 9, 2023

Join us for 4 weeks as we explore the book from Edward Sri, Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross

Led by Deb Scheiber

Crucial passages in the Bible concerning Mary and insight about the Blessed Mother's faith and devotion that we can apply in our daily lives. We follow her step-by-step through the New Testament account of her life, reflecting on what the Scriptures tell us about how she responded to the dramatic events unfolding around her. Buy your book before the first class.

Sign up to attend Walking with Mary

Joyfully Missioned: Love Grows Here
A Mini Retreat

Saturday, May 6 at 9AM to 12 noon

Join us for a "mini" retreat led by Terrie Baldwin, with light refreshments. Listen, reflect, and gain tangible ways to live joyfully as a disciple of Christ! Learn more about the "New Evangelization" and how we can grow God's kingdom by inviting others to encounter Christ. Questions? Email Jackie.

Location: All Saints in Hampstead. No charge

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Sign up to attend!

Wednesday, May 10 at 10AM or 6PM

Personal Finance Workshop for Women

All women, teens to elders, are encouraged to attend.

Like Mary, women today have complete responsibility of their households & children. Often their husbands are away for work (military), they are widowed, or with their husband as the sole provider, it is the woman’s responsibility to make ends meet and help prepare the family for the future. Topics: budgeting, credit, investments, insurance, retirement and estate planning. In addition to the seminar, you'll take home a packet of information.

Sign up to attend

A Biblical Walk through the Mass

Thursdays in March at 10-11AM

The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. This fascinating tour of the words, gestures, and rituals of the Mass will renew and deepen your faith as we discover the biblical roots of the Mass, what it means, and why it matters. Book $15

RSVP to Ryan Mulder

Thursdays at 10-11AM or 6:30-7:30PM
4 weeks, Oct.13-Nov.3

The Activated Disciple

Taking Your Faith to the Next Level

The Activated Disciple: Taking Your Faith to the Next Level, by Jeff Cavins, is an exciting 4-week book study to learn how to have a more profound relationship with Christ and learn practical ways to live as a Disciple! Convert faith into action in serving as a disciple!

Published by Ascension Press.

Information: Jackie Rourke

Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story

Weekly Advent reflection, November-December 2021

What does God want this Advent? Simple. He wants you. He wants a personal encounter with you. This year, join us for four weeks as we journey through Advent with Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story. We'll learn about the places, people, and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent and shape our own lives today. Rejoice! will help you open your heart to the peace and joy of the Advent season as you prepare for the coming of Jesus this Christmas. We look forward to journeying with you. No book purchase necessary, copies available. 

Watch an Intro Video

Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church

Weekly book study, October-November 2021

Encounter Jesus in ways that will nurture growth as disciples! 

As a Church we cannot lead with “what and how” but with “who and why,” which is why we need to “Start with Jesus.” 

Author Julianne Stanz:

• Outlines simple and practical ways the average person can grow in friendship with Jesus

• Unpacks the concepts of missionary discipleship and New Evangelization so that Catholics can understand their role in leading the Church. 

What her book is about, by Julianne Stanz

Forming Intentional Disciples

Biweekly book study, January - May 2021

Encounter Jesus in ways that will nurture growth as disciples! 

As a Church we cannot lead with “what and how” but with “who and why,” which is why we need to “Start with Jesus.” 

Author Julianne Stanz:

• Outlines simple and practical ways the average person can grow in friendship with Jesus

• Unpacks the concepts of missionary discipleship and New Evangelization so that Catholics can understand their role in leading the Church. 

What her book is about, by Julianne Stanz
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