All Saints Parish Council is an appointed group of parishioners representing a cross section of the parish, who provide insight and advise the pastor regarding church programs, ministries, facilities, etc. Parishioners at large are invited to sit on standing committees including Liturgy, Stewardship, Strategic Planning, Parish Social Ministry, Hospitality, Building & Grounds, and New Facilities.
Chair of the Pastoral Council
Tom and his wife Susie live in Porters Neck and have been parishioners for six years. They were first introduced to All Saints attending Mass in Surf City while on vacation before moving to the area. Tom also serves on the New Facilities Ministry Team and as a cantor.
Vice Chair of the Pastoral Council
Meg has been a member of All Saints since 2012. In the past she has also served as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a catechist for children and youth, member of the bell choir, and altar linens ministry.
Secretary of the Pastoral Council
Nadine and her husband, Kevin, reside in Hampstead. They have been parishioners since moving from Pennsylvania in the summer of 2021. Nadine is a retired elementary and special education teacher. She has a Master’s degree in Curriculum Design and Instructional Leadership. She is currently a volunteer at Haven Home in Hampstead.
Member of the Pastoral Council
Kenny Brietske and his wife Maryjane have been parishioners at All Saints for 16 years. In addition to the Pastoral Council, Kenny also serves as the Chair of the Building and Grounds Ministry and an audio-visual/phone expert.
Member of the Pastoral Council
Denise Morrison, and her husband Scott, joined the parish in 2020. Denise enjoys serving on the Arts and Environment, Office, and Hospitality Ministries. She enjoys meeting new parishioners and making friends while also serving others. She actively attends the Bible Study, Adoration and many parish events. Her favorite quote on service comes from Mother Teresa:
“The fruit of love is service which is compassion in action."
Juan Rodriguez and his family have been parishioners of All Saints since 2012 and both his daughter and son have been baptized at this parish. Juan retired from the U.S. Coast Guard in 2019 and since then has been a member of the Knights of Columbus. He enjoys helping and maintaining the church grounds along with stepping in as an usher when needed.
Member of the Pastoral Council
Kathy and her husband Jim reside in Hampstead and have been parishioners for 27 years. Kathy also serves in the Social Justice and Outreach Ministry and volunteers at St. Joseph’s Food Pantry in Burgaw. A retired teacher, she enjoys tutoring local public school children with AmeriCorps Seniors/RSVP.
Member of the Pastoral Council
Myron Yencha and his wife, Vanessa, moved to Sneads Ferry in July 2018, joining All Saints Catholic Church parish shortly thereafter. He served 29 years in the US Navy, retiring as a Captain. He then moved to this area to embark on his civilian career in Jacksonville at Onslow Ear Nose and Throat. He has two grown daughters (Marie and Caroline) whom he adores. He also likes hanging out with his Bullmastiff, Zeus. Myron enjoys his work as an ENT Surgeon, speedskating, church history, and spending time with family, especially at the beach!
Dennis Murphy, former parish council chair, talks about what the council's role is for our pastor and parish.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
All Saints' Finance Council is a group of parishioners, chosen and appointed by the pastor, to provide advice and direction to the pastor regarding all financial matters affecting the parish. Parishioners at large may sit on standing committees such as the Bishop's Annual Appeal or Capital Campaign committee to help serve this council.
Chair of the Finance Council
Joan and her husband, George, have owned property on Topsail Island since 2014. Joan has been coming to All Saints Parish since owning the property and officially joined when they moved here permanently in August 2021. Joan retired in April 2021 from a large Mental Health Provider where she was Chief Financial Officer. Joan serves in the Social Justice Ministry and is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. The position on the Finance Council allows her the opportunity to share her skills and talent in Jesus' name.
Member of the Finance Council
Rick Martin is a retired Naval Officer and Department of Defense employee. He is a financial literacy advocate and financial coach. He believes that he is called to serve others through God's gift of financial knowledge and expertise. Serving on the Capital Campaign Committee and Finance Councils are two ways that he can use God's gift. Rick is married to Meredith Martin and they live in Surf City.
Member of the Finance Council
My husband John and I moved to North Carolina three years ago because dear friends live here. John and I were very active in our parish in New York. I love working with the church because not only does it allow me to meet new and
caring parishioners, but also makes me feel complete in giving my time and talents to God's work. I am blessed in meeting Monsignor Joseph and all the members of the finance council. Thank you for including us in the special family.
Member of the Finance Council
Roland and his wife (Deb) have lived in the Hampstead area for approximately 6 years. They have 4 grown, married children and 6 grandchildren. He is currently retired after serving 39 years with Smithfield Foods, LLC. Roland enjoys being active in the church because it is God's calling to stay engaged with his people. Talent and Treasure can only be measured by how it is used for the benefit of the whole. “Praise the Lord”
Member of the Finance Council
Stephen lives on Topsail Island and has been attending All Saints since 2015 when he purchased his home there. He first came to know the parish through summer attendance at the Pavilion and still enjoys “Island” masses from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Stephen still active manages a Real Estate Investment Company based in Cleveland Ohio which he has able to do on a remote basis. His finance background has also included consulting for developers, CFO of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Finance Director for the City of Cleveland.
Members of the Finance Council
Our gift is with numbers. Serving on the Finance Council is our way of singing to the Lord.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Periodically, All Saints puts the call out for nominating parishioners who are interested in participating on the Parish Council or Finance Council. Watch for these to be published in the bulletin and announced before Mass, typically in the fall. At any time, feel free to speak with a council member for more information about the opportunity to take a leadership role in putting your faith into action and utilizing your time, talent, and treasure for your parish and broader community.