Here are answers to some common questions.
Our office is open in Hampstead, Tuesday through Friday 9AM to 4PM (closed Mondays, weekends, and holidays). Give us a call or stop in.
Welcome! Visit our New/Welcome page or pick up a welcome packet at church in the Narthex. Fill out a welcome bookmark and check off interests and any comments, and someone will get back to you within a few days.
Check out our calendar, bulletin, mobile app, and social media. Make sure we have your latest email and phone number so we can keep you informed.
We have baptismal preparation classes and celebrate baptisms monthly (not during Lent). Visit our Baptism page to get started or send a message to our Coordinator of Children's, Youth, and Family Ministries.
Visit our Faith Formation page and/or talk to our Coordinator of Children's, Youth, and Family Ministries. We have year-round open enrollment for classes that typically run September through May.
We are excited for you and your wedding plans! The first step in the process, before setting the wedding date, is to speak with our pastor to get the preparations underway, typically at least six months in advance.
Visit our Becoming Catholic page and Beliefs pages for some in-depth information about the Catholic faith and becoming Catholic. Our Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation would love to talk with you and address any questions you might have.
Fill out a welcome bookmark, and checking off areas of interest; someone will contact you soon. Our website and ministry brochure outline opportunities as well as ways to explore what your gifts might be.
To speak with the pastor about spiritual direction, confession and personal matters, call our office to set up an appointment, or talk to him after Mass. Weekly confession times are Saturdays at 4PM.
Our Outreach Emergency Assistance ministry is available on Wednesday afternoons at 1-3PM, and the ministry volunteers are a good resource to find out what's available in our area to assist you. We can provide you with a bag of groceries. We sometimes can help with your electric bill and/or the gas it takes you to get here for help. You do not need to be Catholic or a church member to receive assistance.