August 17, 2023: Households Served – 138; Total People Served – 529
• 117 households participated in the Healthy Pantry Initiative at St. Joseph’s by selecting items from a range of fresh produce including cabbage, peppers, squash, eggplants, potatoes, and watermelons. Marianne and Justin assisted guests filling and carrying bags to cars for incapacitated family members & neighbors without transportation.
• Food carried to qualifying households by friends or family members is not included in the Healthy Pantry Totals because these households are not on site to personally participate in the selection of healthy foods for their boxes, nor do they have access to tasting samples.
• Maureen and Exie invited guests to choose a dessert from the table of pastries donated by local bakeries.
• Barbara and Kathy welcomed guests to the sharing table where donated clothes and shoes for men, women, and children as well as household items were displayed.
• Catholic Charities offered diapers to children and adults who needed them.
Francine, one of our volunteers who registers guests at St. Joseph’s, shares this story from a recent Thursday afternoon at the Burgaw Food Pantry:
A new client came into the Food Pantry on one of our especially hot days. She was alone - no children. This woman was very pleasant even cheerful despite the unbearable heat outside. As we proceeded through the registration and I learned more about her present difficulties, I became even more amazed at her demeanor. Confronted with so many obstacles, this single mother of two children wasn’t sad or complaining, just happy to get some food and clothing.
Recently, her trailer home and belongings were destroyed in a fire. The only refuge she could find after the fire was a hotel room where she and the children presently live. They desperately need housing. Unfortunately, low-income housing in Pender County has been exhausted and the waiting line is long. She asked us if there was someone at St. Joseph’s who could help her find an affordable place to live with her children - the motel is very expensive. Her seasonal job working for a landscaper has also just ended so she is looking for work as well. Unfortunately, there was no solution available for me to offer her. I gave this brave mother the number for Social Services in Wilmington for which she was very appreciative. I wish I could have done more. She was grateful to receive some food, clothing, and a phone number.
Join me in remembering this family and all our low-income guests in your prayers.