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Youth Ministry

Where Faith & Fun Meet

Middle School and High School Youth: Invite your friends, we'd love to have them join you at these fellowship events.

Grades 9-12 Youth Formation
at All Saints, Hampstead 
Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30PM

Students in grades 9-12: Join us and feel free to bring a friend as we prepare for Confirmation and beyond.

We are excited about our new curriculum and activities that we are planning.

We look forward to seeing you!

  • Confirmation 1 Preparation: 9th grade
  • Confirmation 2: 10th grade 2025
  • High School Youth Ministry: 10th-12th grade

Registration is open now.

Sign up for Gr.6-12 Faith Formation online now

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2nd Sunday of each month at 12 noon

PB&J Sandwich Making for the Homeless

Stay after 11AM Sunday Mass in Hampstead and help make sandwiches for the homeless staying at the Good Shepherd shelter. This is a great outreach opportunity for the youth.

Typically held on the 2nd Sunday of each month
(except not held in December 2023)

Learn about the advantages of choosing a faithful Catholic college.

You’ve been preparing for this your whole life…

You’re ready to choose a career, but college is about much more than that.

  • VOCATION  It’s about vocation. God is calling you to something special in this life, and to sainthood.
  • FRIENDSHIPS  It’s about friendships, not just activities. Good, Christian, lifelong friendships.
  • WISDOM  It’s about wisdom, not just skills. Understanding and not just knowing. Finding God’s truth in all things.

Are you ready? Explore faithful Catholic colleges and get the education that you deserve.

View colleges recognized for strong Catholic identity in the Newman Guide

Newman Guide to Catholic Colleges


Youth Ice Skating at Wilmington Ice House

Monday, January 2 at 1:30-3PM

Middle- and high-school youth, come have some fun skating at Wilmington Ice. Invite a friend! Pay at the door, cost to be determined. 

Email for Information & RSVP to Faith Formation


At confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirm our baptismal promises. Greater awareness of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conferred through the anointing of chrism oil and the laying on of hands by the Bishop. Through the Sacrament of Confirmation we renew our baptismal promises and commit to living a life of maturity in the Christian faith.  Students are typically in grades 8-9.

All About the Sacrament of Confirmation
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